Blog — gridlife
Acura Integra Type R Race Car Build
2001 itr acura race car b18c5 Civic CRX General gridlife Integra integra scca integra type r integra type r race car IPG IPG Parts ipgparts itr itr race car koni mfactory piper motorsport scca scca stl type r race car
I find myself loving the build process of a new car every time I do it. I know it makes no sense to ever build a race car from scratch when you can get so much value for your money by purchasing a pre-raced car and configure it for your needs but there is something satisfying to me to take an idea and go through the project phase to completion. (Even though it is an utterly frustrating process at times and always over budget) I grew up around all the Golden Era Honda’s (1980s-1990s) and as a graduation present from...
Ep.1 of the Integra Project
4bangers 4bangers productions General gridlife hpde integra track car intro to hpde intro to track IPG IPG Parts nasa scca time attack time trial track day
In conjunction with 4Bangers Productions are are working on a video series following the progress of our 2001 Acura Integra through the 2019 year. The introductory stages will feature a Keep It Simple attitude to getting your car out and enjoying it on a track. As we progress throughout the year we plan to keep a steady path of progression to showcase basic changes that make or don't make the most improvement in the overall usability of the car on the track. Episode 1 is live and we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we have enjoyed making...