Blog — common fastener failures
Common Failures for Fasteners -- Head Studs, Main Studs, Rod Bolts, etc
arp head studs arp main studs arp rod bolts common fastener failures golden eagle head studs gsr head studs head stud failure main stud failure reasons for head studs to break stretch Technical Articles

Recognizing Common Failures There are six types of metallurgical failures that affect fasteners. Each type has unique identifying physical characteristics. The following examples are designed to be used like a spark plug reading chart to help analyze fastener failures. While few of us have access to sophisticated analysis equipment, a standard Bausch and Lomb three lens magnifying glass will generally show 98% of what we want to see. Several of the photos below have been taken utilizing a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and are presented to simply illustrate typical grain configurations after failure. 1. Typical Tensile Overload In a tensile...