Blog — pboc january 2011 sebring ITA Acura Integra at Sebring Intl Raceway
1993 integra road race car civic road racing General integra road racing IPG Racing ita integra ita sebring january sebring testing pboc january 2011 sebring pboc winterfest porsche bmw owners club scca ita sebring intl raceway

This past weekend we had the opportunity to get our newly acquired ITA Acura Integra on track for the first time at the 2011 PBOC Winterfest Event held at the Sebring Intl Raceway. Louis Murphy was behind the wheel of the car for the weekend as well as holding instructor duty for a student. Overall things went smooth. There are some gremlins that popped up that we are still investigating solutions for but the car had a lot of track time and showed promise to be a competitive car in the class. Currently we are expecting to race the February...