Blog — nitro all motor
Not All Clutches Are Created Equal
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Not all clutches are created equal. Aftermarket performance clutches are designed and produced in a wide array of configurations and selecting the best clutch for your application offers you the best results. Specifically we can discuss the aftermarket Honda and Acura Twin Disc Clutches. We use Tilton Racing clutches in our personal cars and are believers in what the manufacturer has to offer. They sell standard off the shelf part numbers but more importantly we can tailor the clutch kit to have a range of pressure plate capacities so your 400 horsepower All Motor engine doesn't have to use a...
Supertech Performance All Motor CRX Updates
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When it comes to race cars the constant updates and upgrades are inevitable. With a solid start to the 2019 season the Supertech Performance All Motor CRX has received a new round of updates to help get to the front of the field. The big end of the year events are on the horizon so that is the focus as we improve on things that we have learned and test new ideas to go quicker. Testing of the new parts and setup will commence shortly but the nitty gritty of the updates include a new Hush Performance 3 Piece front...